Once Upon a Writers Conference

Once Upon a Writers Conference

by Betty Thomason Owens In my vivid imagination, I’d show up at my very first writers conference, and as quick as instant potatoes, secure a book contract. That sound you hear is me—laughing uproariously. I laugh at myself often. Regarding the conference, while I’m...
My Writing Space

My Writing Space

by Jean Matthew Hall Writers love to write in different places. Some write while waiting in car line for their kids. Some write on a comfy couch. Some under a tree. Some snuggled in bed. And some, like me, write at a desk in an office. My bedroom is long and narrow....
The Time Has Come

The Time Has Come

by Carlton Hughes The time has come! KCWC 2019 is here! Meet and Greet is tonight at 7:00 p.m. at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, and the big event starts tomorrow morning with Registration beginning at 7:00 a.m. Early Bird classes begin at 7:30 a.m.,...
What Can You Expect at Meet & Greet?

What Can You Expect at Meet & Greet?

by Carlton Hughes, KCWC Planning Committee The Kentucky Christian Writers Conference kicks off soon with a Meet and Greet on Thurs., June 20, 7:00 pm at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College. Check our home page for GPS directions and a campus map. What can...
Fifteen Minutes with an Editor/Agent

Fifteen Minutes with an Editor/Agent

by Jean Hall One of the best things about attending the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference is the opportunity to meet one-on-one with editors and agents. But what do you do with that fifteen-minutes slot? I asked several editors that question a few months ago. Here...
Essential Attitude #2: Be Successful

Essential Attitude #2: Be Successful

by Gregg Bridgeman Note: This is the second blog in Gregg’s series, The Essentials, a four-part series describing essential habits and attitudes for writing success.To read the first post,  Actively Love Writing, click here. You love writing [click here to read...
God’s Conference Plan

God’s Conference Plan

by Carlton Hughes My first Kentucky Christian Writers Conference was in 2005. There I was, a teacher from Southeastern Kentucky, thinking I stood out like a sore thumb. What was I doing there in a sea of talented writers? I had dipped my toe into the choppy writing...
This Is Your Conference

This Is Your Conference

by Constance Darnell Storming into Memorial United Methodist Church an hour before the start of my first Kentucky Christian Writers Conference, I immediately began asking questions of the first person I met. “Is it possible to register at the door for this...
Essential Attitude #1: Actively Love Writing

Essential Attitude #1: Actively Love Writing

by Gregg Bridgeman I am often called upon to convey the “most important thing” or the “most important tip” when it comes to writing stories, books, novels, or novellas from a Christian world view. I have struggled with this question many times because the honest...


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