Hi, Writers. This week, we have the blessing of a guest post from one of our regular faculty members. Her classes always get high ratings, and if you attended the 2021 event, you still have over 5 months to make sure you watch or re-watch her offerings on submissions and critiques. For this post, Tracy shares the 3 P’s for writing powerful devotions. And make sure to check her bio for a link to her page where you can access her newly published and timely book: Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness.

Share the Solid Rock

KCWC Guest Post by Faculty Member Tracy Crump

COVID-19 changed the landscape more than we could ever have imagined. Like 9/11 before it, this little virus fractured our peace and shook our world. Consequently, many are turning to Jesus, seeking comfort and stability. Those of us who stand on the solid rock of Jesus can share that foundation through our writing, especially devotions.

Here are three P’s to make your devotions POWERFUL.


Most devotions begin with a personal experience story. Whether you relate a heartrending account of COVID-19 loss or a humorous anecdote about your dog, your story will draw readers’ attention.

Why do readers want to know about you? They don’t. They read devotions to learn about God. But stories form an all-important connection with readers, giving you the opportunity to dive into deeper issues. Jesus used this technique in His parables. When He told tales of an unforgiving servant, wicked husbandmen, or the prodigal son, Jesus held listeners in rapt attention, using situations they understood to lead into spiritual truths.

POINT to Scripture

Once you’ve captivated readers, they’re ready to sit down and listen to what else you have to say. Relate your story to the focus verse or passage. Draw parallels with biblical principles and help readers understand your message in light of Scripture. Present one main point based on God’s Word and keep your writing tight.


Filmmakers refer to a “pull back shot” as one where the camera physically pulls back to “reveal the context of the scene.” In other words, we go from a closeup to a panoramic view. Our God is a God of details, but He is also God of the eternal. We can impress that on our readers by displaying the bigger picture.

Jesus sometimes spoke mysteries in His parables, but we must make our meaning clear. Use the pull back shot to show how the lesson applies to readers’ lives and issue a challenge, reiterate Jesus’ teaching, or offer them the opportunity to make a decision. Close with a snapshot of what you want them to know and how they can respond.

One day, COVID-19 will be a distant memory, but people will still need Jesus. Introduce Him to readers through your devotions.

Whether writing devotions or serving on the KCWC faculty, Tracy Crump loves teaching about God’s Word and effective ways to share it with the world. Her workshops on the submission process and critique will be available for viewing for six months from close of conference. She dispenses hope in her new book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness (CrossLink Publishing), which hit Amazon’s #1 top new release in Christian Devotions. Best known for publishing 22 stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Tracy conducts workshops on writing for the series, and her course on the topic is one of Serious Writer’s top sellers. Connect with Tracy and subscribe to her newsletter, with includes anthology callouts through https://linktr.ee/TracyCrump.